Guaranteed Reading Gains With EBLI

EBLI ( stands for Evidence Based Literacy Instruction that is suitable for any reader: young, old, elementary, high school, slow, fast, whatever.  All students at Sophia Academy @ ICHS will have EBLI instruction as part of their English class.  We expect to see quick gains in comprehension as shown by the material our students are able to conquer. According to the EBLI research and data collection, the average student gains almost three grade levels with only 9 hours of instruction!  It increases reading accuracy, reading speed, and reading comprehension for all students from the lowest to the highest reader in the class, by building a strong foundation (phonemic awareness, EBLI concepts and skills), solid walls(vocabulary, fluency, spelling and writing), and an impervious roof (reading text and Guided Reading) to our literacy house. We encourage you to visit the website to watch the videos and learn more.