Students who love to operate from the right side of their brain were able to elect J-term courses as varied as Game Design, Culinary–which focused on the chemistry of baking, and Woodworking.
Some students in Game Design spent most of their time on the art of crafting a game board, while others had more fun inventing the logic of their game rules.
Students in culinary learned the difference between various kinds of fat and how a cookie would be very different if baked with butter vs. shortening. They tried out three entirely different pie crusts, and voted the crust made with vodka as their #1 choice. A highlight of the course was visiting Patrice With the Treats, a local bakery, where they learned to decorate by making flowers or piping shells.
Woodworking students learned to use saws, drills, dremels, and wood burners, and added the skills of sanding and patience.

Students who feel more comfortable working with left-brain activities had the choice of Empires, the Stock Market Game, and Black History Month.

Once J-Term ended, Sophia students returned to their regular curriculum which includes everything from their college prep courses to targeted interventions in reading, math, and executive function.