February 22, 2025 was a momentous day for Sophia Academy as we held our very first fundraising dinner to raise money for student scholarships. The hall was beautifully decorated and the catered meal was fine, but the best part of the evening according to our attendees were the short testimonials given by a parent, a teacher, and a student.

The parent shared how Sophia Academy had helped his autistic son so much. Because of the work that Sophia did with his son, his social skills were leaps and bounds ahead of where he started. His ability to organize himself for school was stellar. His grades were high. This parent couldn’t be happier.
You may like to actually listen to the student’s talk: honest, vulnerable, and giving a lot of credit to his teachers and to the school:
We agree with our student: with the right supports, every student can succeed academically and personally.

Once evening fell, floor lamps strategically placed gave a wonderful ambience