The Sophia Academy family has been healthy through the last six months for which we are very thankful. We also thank God that as a small school, we are perfectly set up to meet the CDC guidelines for re-opening school. A primary recommendation is that students remain in small cohorts: we automatically do so by virtue of having classes that are never larger than seven students. Guidelines for masks, shields, and cleaning schedules will be followed each day. Other than on rainy days, we plan to have as many classes as possible outside–until the weather turns cold. After that, Sophia will use fans to move the air around, thus imitating the outdoors. Specifically, students will
- have their temperatures taken daily
- agree to self-report any potential COVID-19 symptoms in their families
- wear masks and face shields when necessary
- continue to practice social distancing
- wash or sanitize hands each hour at a minimum
- avoid sharing school supplies
The school will wipe down commonly touched surfaces several times a day and sanitize the rooms at the end of each day.